Workshop for students


In their second year, Breda NHTV Event Management students always organize a themed inspiration day. This year the theme day was about production. Because it would be fun and instructive for everyone to get more insight into event construction, initiator Niels Timmermans got in touch with Wilbert Strijtveen from Layher. He indicated that he wanted to participate, but that he lacked practical expertise (the actual building at events). He engaged Coreworks for that.

It all happened one sunny February morning. After an instructive presentation, about sixty students rolled up their sleeves to experience first-hand how you put together the very best event structures with Layher scaffolding material rapidly, smartly and safely, in all shapes and sizes. Great, climbing and clambering about together! And, as compensation, they are more than happy to help us lug stuff around for a day. Nice one!